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Your safe investment in Egypt is the second tallest skyscraper in Egypt Professional

3 years ago Real estate New Cairo   426 views

-- £

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  • your-safe-investment-in-egypt-is-the-second-tallest-skyscraper-in-egypt-big-1
Location: New Cairo
Price: -- £

Own your administrative, medical or commercial unit in the second tallest skyscraper in Egypt in a very special location in the new administrative capital of Egypt ... the capital of the world

Advances starting from 10% and down payment up to 10 years in installments

Or a special discount on cash?

The administrative capital will be one of the best and smartest cities in the world and Egypt is moving at a fast and steady pace towards ascending as a great economic power

Additional Details

Size 30
Rooms 2
Furnished Yes
Building Type Office
Parking Yes