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Customized Payment Gateway Professionnel

il y a 3 ans Services New Cairo   417 vues

-- £

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  • customized-payment-gateway-big-1
Localité: New Cairo
Prix: -- £

PaySky OMNI – Omni Channel Payment Gateway · Ecommerce & CMS plugins: Enable your website to accept payments with a rich set of plugins · Payment Link: Send ...

The most comprehensive & the only OMNI-channel payment gateway in the market, accepting International & Domestic Cards & Mobile Wallets. Allowing you to accept payments across various channels.

Customized Payment Gateway

PaySky Control – Terminal management system

PaySky Control TMS solutions is a full-fledged remote management system to enable financial institutions to manage their POS terminals assets across vast geographies and timezones. With its built-in monitoring capabilities you can – for the first time – offer proactive support and customer service, before issues are even reported.