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Kidz World-Best Day Care Centre in Yakkara Palakkad Particulier

il y a 4 ans Services Al Farwānīyah   816 vues

-- د.ك

  • kidz-world-best-day-care-centre-in-yakkara-palakkad-big-0
Prix: -- د.ك

Kidz World Day Care


Callus: 9496669197, 9847769197


Location:Near Sri Visweswara Temple, Kannampariyaram, West Yakkara, Palakkad


“AHome Away from Home”


Whereone can entrust about their child's care. We believe that every child is bornwith unlimited potential which needs encouragement to make them an outstandingindividual. We provide them space to develop their journey of learning at theirown pace. Every child is given a healthy, happy and respectful environment sothat they can learn things by play. Our place provides a place for fun withsafety and security. All our staff is provided with respectful and friendlywork place and they contribute in developing their skills; as an individual andas a team. We assure that parents can leave their child with peace of mind inour safe and happy environment.

