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Looking for a partner to assist me invest my funds Particulier

il y a 4 ans Immobilier Erbil   768 vues

10,000,000 عد

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  • looking-for-a-partner-to-assist-me-invest-my-funds-big-1
Localité: Erbil
Prix: 10,000,000 عد Négociable

I am looking for any individual or company to assist me invest my funds . If you are a company or an individual with good business ideas and no funds or less funds to realise the business then contact me for funds . Also feel free to contact if you need loan . we are also ready to buy shares or partnership with any company . 

Please feel free to contact for more details or if you have questions .

Email : [email protected]

Informations complémentaires

Taille/ Surface 24
Pièces 4
Meublé Oui
Type de bâtiment Appartement
Parking Oui