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Now hiring in USA, Work abroad in USA Particulier

il y a 5 ans Recherche Emploi Baghdad   681 vues

-- عد

  • now-hiring-in-usa-work-abroad-in-usa-big-0
Localité: Baghdad
Salaire: -- عد

Employment going on now at newly created hotels in  USA, New York and 

California, and application currently going on Minimum experience is 6 months of Administrative Officers an Engineering

construction staffs and all other positions available.Salary: $5000 To $9900.


Technicians,Electricians,Engineers,Managers,Accountants,Sales persons,Cashier,Ware house controllers,Store keepers,Engineers,Document controller,Receptionist,Securities,Front staff,Waitress\Waiter,Managers,Drivers,Housekeepers,Attendants,Cooks,Chamber maid,Secretaries,Data staffs,Computer Operators.


a) One must have a valid pas #jobs sport at

hand. b) Well dressed photo size.

Kindly forward your resumes/CV to our Email ([email protected])

Informations complémentaires

Type d'emploi Plein temps