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Pick Hi-fi Emergency Tools by Medivic Air Ambulance Services in Delhi Particulier

il y a 5 ans Services Jeddah   500 vues

400,000 ﷼

  • pick-hi-fi-emergency-tools-by-medivic-air-ambulance-services-in-delhi-big-0
Localité: Jeddah
Prix: 400,000 ﷼

Medivic Aviation Air Ambulance from Delhi is rendering one of a great way to shifting the emergency patient from one city to another with essential life savior instruments such as a ventilator, defibrillator, suction pump, Infusion machines, oxygen cylinder, portable power supply, and cardiac monitor, etc for the patient.

Medivic Aviation also provides the finest Air Ambulance Services in Delhi with all lifesaver medical assistance for the patient with a very low fare now need to pay extra charges for our phenomenal medical services. So now contact us if need to transport service.

!! To Get Contact Information!!

Medivic Aviation Air Ambulance

Mobile: - +91-9560123309 +91-9650432705

EMAIL: - [email protected]